"I got a hundred dollars smokin' in my billfold
I know I oughta save it but it's burnin' a hole
Right through my pocket and into my skin
Come Monday morning I'll be broke again.
It's finally Friday
I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
I'm outa' control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll.
I got a little sugar baby down the road
She's sittin' on a radio and rockin' on roll
We'll dance up a storm and later all night
We'll be workin' on doin' all the wrong things right.
It's finally FridayI'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally FridayI'm outa' control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll.
Monday, I'll be hurtin with my head in a vice
Tuesday, I'll be wonderin' if I'll ever survive
Wednesday and Thursday, I'll be slowly tunin' in
Friday, I'll be revin' up my motor again.
It's finally Friday
I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
I'm outta control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll.
It's finally Friday
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll... "
- George Jones (Finally Friday)
Right. So it's already 2:45pm on Friday afternoon and I haven't written a word. For SHAME on me. I mean. How dare this company make me WORK?! *grumble...expletive* Crazy reports with these like... numbers and letters that make no sense. Hmmm... Interesting... food for thought.
As of yesterday... we're yet another man down. More to come? Tune in next week folks.... Fedders Saga... to be cont'd... I know... I can't stand "to be cont'd" episodes either. They're just annoying. Right?
OH! Guess what?! (speaking of "to be cont'd" programs) I am SOOOOOO excited. *happy dance... break it down... oohh* Season 2 of Heroes just started!! WOOT!!!! How much do I LOVE that show? I want to sing to it I love it so much... *breaking into song* "Did you ever know that you're my HERO... " Ha ha. Get it? Did you ever know that you're my Hero? I am HILARIOUS.
To ponder...
If you had x-ray vision, but closed your eyes, could you still see?
Have you ever thought what life would be like if your name was Anonymous? You'd get credit for everything nobody wanted credit for?
Why do they call them "Animal Crackers" when there not even crackers...they're cookies?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Why are things typed up but written down?
If you decide that you're indecisive, which one are you?
Why is it we have the weight of the world on our shoulders but have to get it off our chests?
Funny stuff...
Two tourists were driving through Wisconsin. As they were approaching Oconomowoc, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town’s name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch.
As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the employee, “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are…very slowly?”
The blonde leaned over the counter and said,“Burrrrrr gerrrrrr Kiiiing.”
More funny...

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