Sunday, October 21, 2007

(past crazy) The Daily Crazy - 9/6/07

"I'm sorry....
so sorry....
that I was such a fool... "
- Brenda Lee (I'm Sorry)

Hey there folks! I'm so sorry I didn't get an afternoon Crazy out to you yesterday... *wailing with despair* It was so horrible... I actually had WORK to do yesterday... and again this morning. What is this MADNESS?

Chapter 2: Revenge against Dooley...

So... Dooley is now making a daily habit out of finding new ways to lick my deodorant off (I'll say deodorant instead of pits... just seems a bit more ladylike). So I decided to take my revenge....

I was at the pet store yesterday and I like to pick up a few special treats and toys for the boys when I'm there. They LOVE this. I'm a good mama. Remember this later... you might think otherwise...

I'm walking along minding my own biz ... *whistling... do do do... dum de dum... *... when I see... hmmm... a laser pointer. For your pets..... hm. Interesting.

I stop. *eyes narrow to thin slits of pure evil.... a sly grin from ear to ear...* A grin that would put the Grinch to shame. I buy the laser pointer.

I get home and give the dogs all the lovin' I can... pettin', huggin', givin' some of the new treats... luring him into my web of deceit...

I take out the laser pointer.... set it up with the batteries... turn it on.... and...
*giggling ... tee hee hee.... *

DOOLEY GOES NUTS. Picture a 105lb+ Golden Retriver chasing a laser beam... He's running around everywhere like a giant cat....paws flailing... head whipping from side to side... trying to bite it....

*tears of laughter...* Can't... catch... my ... breath... laughing... to ... hard...*

Now ... you may not think I'm very nice. But hey, he had it coming right?

And would you know he slurped me yet again today? Brave wee man...

That's my boy. :)

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