"Well it started out
Down a dirty road.
Started out
All alone.
And the sun went down
As I crossed the hill.
And the town lit up,
And the world got still.
I'm learnin' to fly,
But I ain't got wings.
Comin' down
Is the hardest thing.
Well the good ol' days
May not return.
And the rocks might melt,
And the sea may burn.
I'm learnin' to fly,
But I ain't got wings.
Comin' down
Is the hardest thing.
Well some say life
Will beat you down,
And break your heart,
Steal your crown.
So it started out
For God-knows-where.
I guess I'll know
When I get there.
I'm learning to fly
Around the clouds.
What goes up
Must come down.
I'm learnin to fly
But I ain't got wings.
Comin' down
Is the hardest thing.
I'm learnin' to fly
Around the clouds.
But what goes up
Must come down.
I'm learnin' to fly.
I'm learnin' to fly."
- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (Learnin' to Fly)
Oh good grief. It's Monday. How did that happen so FAST? *sigh* Why is it the week goes by slow as molasses in January... but the weekends fly by so fast you barely remember what you did?
And oh what a weekend. First of all... on a positive note... I must comment that I FINALLY had SMORES. Oh delicious sweetness. YUM. Peanut butter spread on a graham cracker with Hershey's chocolate (plug... CHA-CHING!) and a squishy warm marshmellow? Seriously. It doesn't get much better than that.
This was after a most DELICIOUS dinner of "just past mooing" cow. Yup. I want it just past mooing... you know... where it's just walkin' along and then it keels over on my plate. Order it up black & blue. MOO.

So I need to take a moment to complain here. People, next time I agree to having construction done on my house, please take a giant cartoon mallet and CLONK! me over the head. *boing*
Actually. To hell with that. It's not my fault for trying to add value to the house. Clonk my contractor over the head. a.k.a. "The bane of my existence." I feel like I'm Tom Hanks in The Money Pit. I swear he said "Sure, this'll all take three weeks." Which, don't get me wrong. I knew that was a bunch of hooey... HOWEVER... it has now been FOUR MONTHS. And it's NOT DONE YET. Bathroom, two closets. Are you KIDDING ME WITH THIS?

Funny movie quote (from of course... The Money Pit)... oh and did I mention one of the guys working on the house fell through the bedroom ceiling/laundry room floor too?
Anna: Walter?
Walter: Oh, Anna, thank God it's you! Thank God!
Anna: Walter?
Walter: Thank God you're here, honey!
Anna: Is that you?
Walter: Is it me? I'm speaking so loud I'm hallucinating! For a while, I thought the Care Bears were here!
Anna: Walter?
Walter: Farm animals or geese or chickens...
Anna: Walter?
Anna: Are you alright?
Walter: No, I'm not alright.
Anna: Where are you?
Walter: I'm in the den!
Anna: No you're not, I was just in there...
Walter: I'm in the den! I swear it! Please believe me!
Anna: Will you stop fooling around, Walter? I'm tired!
Walter: I'm right here.
Anna: Look, Walter, enough is enough!
Anna: Where?
Walter: In the floor behind the chair.
Anna: [laughs]
Walter: Laughing, huh? Weird laughing.
Funny stuff...
Q. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?
Q. What happened to the mouse who fell off the shelf into a glass of Mountain Dew?
A. Nothing, it was a soft drink.
Q. What do you call a pig who knows Karate?
A. A Pork-Chop!
Q. What animal carries an umbrella?
A. A reindeer.
Q. Where does a fish keep his money?
A. In a river bank!
Q. What do you give a sick Alligator?
A. Gatorade!
More funny stuff...

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