"I've done everything as you say
I've followed your rules without question
I thought it would help me see things clearly
But instead of helping me to see
I look around and it's like I'm blinded
I'm spinning out of control
Out of control
I'm spinning out of control
Out of control
- Hoobastank (Out of Control)
Top 5 Reasons Why I Cannot See Today
1. My contacts were bothering me. So I promptly removed them. And found a giant chip in the side of my right one (seems to be a trend with my right side lately... right handed... right eye... right buttock... food for though). Hm. Probably bad that this tiny piece of cracked GLASS has been IN MY EYE.
2. I switched to glasses today. (obviously a must since I cannot see a thing without either my glasses or contacts) When I wear glasses... I have no peripheral vision. Meaning. Me = Giant Clutz. Hilarious to watch me stumble around... so for entertainment value... I suppose it's worth it.
3. I go to leave the house... and it's mad foggy out. I mean... pea soup fog. I mean... CREEPY fog. And of course... Stephen King's "The Mist" is coming out in theaters soon (plug... tee hee... CHA-CHING!). I've been sitting in front of my office window waiting for some creature to come and pull me through it. *shivers* yikes. (if you haven't read it - I highly recommend it... classic Stephen King without his new found love for extra "over the top" gore.).
4. Did I mention I have no peripheral vision when I wear glasses? And I'm DRIVING in the FOG with GLASSES on? Right. So I go to make a left out of my development and... thankfully instinct told me not to go. Cuz a grey car WITH NO HEADLIGHTS ON chose that moment to emerge from the mist. (DUH jackass... you have a "grey" car in the "fog"... might be a good idea to turn your demn lights on. *smacking self... palm to forehead* That requires another... JACKASS.)
5. Did I forget to mention that I chose to wear three-inch high heeled boots today? That I'm not used to walking around in yet? So I did not "see" that this was a bad idea. hahahahahahah!!... get it? HAHAHAHA! Re-read comment item #2. Then feel free to point and laugh at me.

Get it? "Eye" "Fall" hahahahahahah!!! I fall? hahahahahahahah!!!! I am just cracking myself up lately. *GRIN*
Good quotes...
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. - Confucius
Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it. - Les Brown
My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose. - Bette Davis
Be brief, for no discourse can please when too long. - Miguel de Cervantes
Play by the rules, but be ferocious. - Phil Knight
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known. - Walt Disney
We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Funny stuff...

"*smacking self... palm to forehead* That requires another... JACKASS.)"
Wrong, Jenny - that means "You coulda hadda V8"
Hope your eye is ok. Don't you wear the soft ones?
LOL! I thought of that after I posted! Too funny...
I do but they are technically still glass and sharp as anything when they chip. No wonder my eye was buggin' me... :s
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