"Red, red wine
Go to my head
Make me forget that i
Still need her so
Red, red wine
It`s up to you
All I can do, i`ve done
But mem`ries won't go
No, mem`ries won't go"
- UB40 (Red, Red Wine)
Oh for crying out loud... it's Monday again. Seriously... how does this happen? *sniffle... tear...* Already back at WORK. I am just so... THRILLED! *insert fake GRIN and sarcasm here*
Have you ever been wine tasting? It's a fabulous experience. However, if you do it for an extended period of time, you'll most likely be sick of wine for at least a few days. Oh, and I don't recommend mixing white with red. Blegh. ACK! Pttooooeeeee. Not really a good idea unless you want an upset belly. Though you'll turn an interesting shade of green...
So we're getting close to my favorite holiday. Yes... THANKSGIVING. I LOVE Thanksgiving. You know why? You gather with your family and you enjoy the best mix of foods EVER. Mmmmmm... Turkey... gravy...mashed potatoes... gravy... stuffing... gravy... cornbread... gravy... Mix it all together and you eat it all up. Then throw in some punkin' pie and apple pie? Hello HEAVEN.
Give it an hour. Rinse. Repeat.
Not to mention it's a 4-day weekend holiday. HOLLA!

To be cont'd...
Good quotes...
The best of us must sometimes eat our words. - J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The wisest mind has something yet to learn. - George Santayana
Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Train yourself to let go of the things you fear to lose. - George Lucas "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"
Funny stuff...
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest.
He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
More funny stuff...

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