"Baby, baby it looks like it's gonna hail
Baby, baby it' looks like it's gonna hail
You better come inside
Let me teach you how to jive and wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail away!
Papa's in the icebox lookin' for a can of ale
Papa's in the icebox lookin' for a can of ale
Mama's in the backyard learning how to jive and wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail away!
A woman is a woman and a man ain't nothin' but a male
A woman is a woman and a man ain't nothin' but a male
One good thing about him
He knows how to jive and wail
Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a pail
Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a pail
Jill stayed up, she wants to learn how to jive and wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail
You gotta jump, jive, and then you wail away!"
- Brian Setzer Orchestra (Jump Jive An' Wail)
First, as always, I must acknowledge that it's.... FRIDAY!!!! WOOT!! Oh wonderful weekend. How I've been looking forward to you ALL week.... *sigh*
Did you ever try to shut your alarm off using your t.v. remote? Yup... I did that this morning. I can't tell you how many buttons I hit (including the volume) until I figured out what I was doing. Granted, I didn't have my glasses on so that's a partial excuse... but even the dog looked at me like I had three heads. The look on his face said "Nice goin' dumbass."
So I have this internal debate going... Thanksgiving is next week (SWEET). However, I've been bitten by the Christmas bug. Even though Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday... I LOVE decorating for Christmas. My office will eventually look like Christmas threw up in here (a horrible way of putting that... but ... well... it's kinda true)
Anyway... it's Friday and we're allowed to wear jeans today!! HOLLA! We had to pay $5, however it's for a good cause. All the proceeds will go to a local food pantry to help purchase items for Thanksgiving dinner. So we wear jeans and it's for a good cause. Most excellent.
I digress...
I'm comfortably dressed today... so ... I wanna decorate the office demmit! But the rule is to wait until AFTER Thanksgiving (except for stores... they had stuff up before Halloween for crying out loud). One thing I absolutely will NOT do before Thanksgiving is ... watch "Muppets Christmas" or "A Christmas Story." They may be watched ON Thanksgiving... but not BEFORE Thanksgiving. Very important.
So... do I bite the bullet and decorate? I guess I shall see how this afternoon goes. I have a ton of actual work to do... however... this is a much needed morale booster (if I don't get a beat down by people for decorating early... demmed if you do and demmed if you don't... ponder that...) Stay tuned...

To ponder...
Can you cry under water?
Why does round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby"when babies wake up like every two hours?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?
Funny stuff...

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