"You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin when the dealins done."
- Kenny Rogers (The Gambler)
I'm in a BAD MOOD. hrumph. Irritable. Grouchy. Ill-tempered. Cross. Grumpy. Surly. Cantankerous. Not a happy camper. Downright peevish. You name it.

Some mean sprite musta stole my zzz's cuz I tossed and turned all night...

midnight... 1am... 2am...3am... countin' sheep...

Perhaps I was thinking about the realtors open going on at my house today. (Yup... still trying to sell. hahahahah... in this market... I know... it's comical) Last minute cleaning and straightening. No specs of dust (good luck with that with two Golden Retrievers in the house). And realtors are the worst critics. Basically, if it looks like you live there at all... you're gonna get slammed for being a slob.

And it's rainy and windy and nasty out which doesn't help. Wet dog smell. GREAT. I now have so much Febreeze in my lungs all I have to do is exhale and I can make a room smell fresh.

Funny stuff...
Because I am a grouch, I am therefore a brat. Enjoy getting this outta yer noggin.
mah-na mah-na... do do, do do dooo... do do do doo... mah-na mah-na...
More funny stuff...

OMG! - I love the Muppets - Mikey just bought his dad for christmas season 1 & 2 of the muppet shows.
This was a good one! Made my day :)
Hey Jenny -
You sound a mite cranky!
Mah na mah na
Maspo is right - you are a cranky thing - get your groove going kiddo!
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