I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time,
(Kyle + Stan) Friendly faces everwhere humble folks without temptation,
I'm goin' down to South Park gonna leave my woes behind,
(Cartman) Ample Parking Day or Night, people spouting, "Howdy, Neighbor"
I'm headin' down to South Park gonna see if I can't unwind,
(Kenny) mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble.... mumble mumble mumble mumble
So come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine.
-South Park Theme Song
(it's officially stuck in my noggin'... see funny stuff below...)
pssst... know what?
Just thought I should share.
TGIF. Big time. I can't WAIT to get outta here today. It's tense folks. Who knows what's gonna happen. I can hear the whistling of the boulder... any day now...
WHAM! Right on my head.
Oh here we go... *singing* "Wake me up... before ya go go... "
Bits and pieces of the company are being sold off. Who knows what's going to happen to us?
I'm hearing the swish... swish of that ax again...
"Off with their heads!"
Funny stuff...
More funny stuff...

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