You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray...
These four lines ... over.... and over... and OVER again in my head. *grimace*
Perhaps because I am in a good mood? All bubbles and sunshine?

My house still hasn't sold, my company is... well... *far away... getting closer... whistling sound...* WHAM. Well, it just hit the wall. And my contractor has disappeared off the face of the earth...
Eh. Pshaw. BRING IT.
On another note...
A word of advice. If you are sensitive to caffeine, such as myself, do not kid yourself into thinking "one Diet Coke won't hurt my sleep." Because, News Flash, it will. (oh ... and cha-CHING! on the Diet Coke plug... *GRIN*)
I made this giant mistake last night.
I wanted something with flavor. Been a good girl and have been drinking lots of water. It's good for the body. Good for the skin. Blah blah, whatever.
I should have just reached for a beer instead... not only would it not have hurt my sleep, it would have actually helped me on my journey to sleepytown.
So... I was actually able to fall asleep. Haha! Take that caffeine!
However... there is a side effect. Strange dreams. I mean the kind where you wake up and go... "How on EARTH did THAT get in my head?"
Heed my advice folks. You'll sleep better.
Oh! Tee hee... short video...
Funny stuff...

More funny stuff...

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