"Boogie fever,
got to boogie down
Boogie fever,
I think it's going around"
- The Sylvers (Boogie Fever)
I HAVE THE WORST COLD. (ha ha... Boogie Fever... get it? hahahahahahaha)
Oh Fate. How cruel she can be. I get a long holiday weekend and... a nasty cold to go with it. Ok. Ha ha. The joke is on me.
*sniffle... cough... sniffle... ACHOOOOO!... sniffle*

I kind of look like this. (note the ladybug in the hair... for Dooley...)

Small children will cry at the sight of me.
I already scared someone out of my office. I had a coughing fit where it sounded like the devil himself was trying to speak through me.
Oh yes. I'm at work because... I "smart." Right. Note the quotes.
I have to give props to some of my meds. Mucinex and Neosnephrine. You rock my world. Nyquil has to step up and add some more sleepy time to their draught cuz... no sleep for this chica.
I swear... a few spritz's of Neosnephrine up your snoot and.... the clouds part... angels sing... and.... sweet... wonderful... AIR. It's a beautiful thing.
(hmmmm... advertising... plug... CHA-CHING!)
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