*singing* Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me - KT Tunstall (Suddenly I See)
This is going to be me ALL DAY. Because ... yet again... I must ... WAIT!
I have developed a new knot in my shoulder. That I shall fondly call... "work related stress." My new friend. Camping out on my shoulder. And I shall call him George.
Well my heart knows me better than I know myself So I'm gonna let it do all the talking. I came across a place in the middle of nowhere With a big black horse and a cherry tree. ***** But I said no, no, no, no-no-no I said no, no, you're not the one for me No, no, no, no-no-no I said no, no, you're not the one for me - KT Tunstall (Black Horse and the Cherry Tree)
It's Wednesday. Yup. Do I know any more today than I did Monday?
However, there are a few things I know for sure that I don't want. As the song says... no no no... you're not the one for me...
Then... what does this mean? Which one WILL be for me? I have a few options... but all loose ends... And again... if this, than this... ARG.
I decided to pack up my office today. It's time to clean house.
I couldn't believe the amount of... stuff... I've collected since I've been here. I've been back about 8 years so that's a lot of time for knick-knack pile-ups. Oh and I have not one, but THREE boxes of Christmas stuff. I'm not playin when it comes to holiday cheer. So I don't have much to tell you today other than that. Perhaps tomorrow? I hope I hope I hope....
Movie Clip...
I highly recommend this movie ... "Because I Said So" You laugh, you cry, you sigh... All good things.
*singing* I am the bad one, Distant and cruel one, I am the dream that, Keeps you running down, With distraction, Violent reaction, Scars of my actions, Watch me running out,
Hell doesn't want them. Hell doesn't need them. Hell doesn't love them. The Devil's Rejects The Devil's Rejects - Rob Zombie (The Devil's Rejects)
I know, crazy song. But I almost used Dragula, Living Dead Girl, or Superbeast... and then you would have run away screaming. Trust me. (or all hunted me down with pitchforks... while I run to the nearest church crying "Santuary! Sanctuary!")
Whoosh... I've lost it.
So have any of you ever tried Almond Butter? It's like natural Peanut Butter... but with... well with Almonds. (right... insert "stating the obvious" here) Hellooooooo delicious. I am completely addicted to it. Though... it's ridiculous expensive. I swear, it's like $12 for one jar of it. Oy. But you slather some of it on a whole wheat eggo and throw some dried cranberries on top? Good grief. I cannot express quite how delicious that is.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way...
Some Funny-Ness for you... how to be... oh, nice?.... I'll give it a whirl. Note how "subtle" I am. I seriously couldn't resist. I have to talk about this...
My dog eats cigarette butts. Why? Who knows. His need for a "fix?"
When they originally started to disappear, it was suggested to me that "small animals might be carrying them away... you know, to use for nesting..." RIGHT. *cough*
Anyway, I caught my dog in the act and immediately put the kibosh on it. Let's face it, that CAN'T be good for him. I'll have to put him on the patch for crying out loud. (this is ... of course... Dooley I'm talking about here).
For some reason unknown to me... which must stem from a complete lack of all sense in this brief "shining" moment... the cigarette butts started reappearing... unbeknownst to me... I mean, why on EARTH would there be a repeat of this? No worries... Hm.
I let the dog out ... and where does he go? Directly to the butts to start chomping away. (needless to say, it is so gross to watch I nearly lost my breakfast).
I tell you. Madness.
Movie Clip...
I Tivo'd Army of Darkness the other day and started watching it while getting ready for work this morning. This movie is hilarious. (original being Evil Dead)
"You found me beautiful once... " "Well honey, you got real ugly."
"Clatu... verata... ne *cough cough cough*"
"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."
*singing* Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true
Some day I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemondrops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me... - Judy Garland as Dorothy (The Wizard of Oz)
A nice mellow song... things are going to be major crazy this week. So ... like the song says, somewhere over the rainbow... skies are blue... and troubles melt like lemon drops... Good solid advice folks. (I know... I sound like I'm like... 5. whatever. I stick my tongue out at you in defiance and sing along...)
I also love Katrhine McPhee's version of this song from American Idol. Hence the clip...
So I abandoned you guys on Friday for my snow day. For all of you who had to go to work? *snicker* I feel soooo bad *giggle* for ... *snort* you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I had a pajama's, knitting, movie, and peanut butter jelly time. *GRIN* I actually ventured out for Saladworks cuz I was craving their Chicken Pot Pie soup and a super sized buffalo chicken salad (which holy mackarel... their soup is delicious).
I watched Good Luck Chuck for the first time and laughed my behind off. It's definitely a "guy" movie, but the physical comedy is great. Jessica Alba walking face first into a pole? Come on. You gotta laugh at that. (I'm horrible... don't be nice to me... I laugh at pain...)
*singing* Say your prayers little one Don`t forget my son To include everyone I tuck you in Warm within Keep you free from sin 'til the sandman he comes
Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight
Exit light Enter night Take my hand off to never never-land .... Hush little baby don't say a word And never mind that noise you heard It's just the beasts under your bed In your closet and in your head
Exit light Enter night Grain of sand... Exit light Enter Night Take my hand! We're off to never never-land
WOO HOO!!! I am A W A K E ! I blared this song on the way to work today. I chose loud metal vs. a cup o' joe. Trust me... it works.
I like to turn my tunes up to the "give you a headache... but just below migraine" notch.
I needed a good pick me up. What better way than jamming to your tunes in the morning? Granted, a cup of coffee might do the same thing... but then I would have to run laps around the building to help tone the caffeine down a bit. And it's cold outside today.... so... no thanks.
So... not only am I "to be continued..." I have many twists and turns. The plot thickens says she...
So many "if's!" If this, than this... but this could happen too or instead, so than this... oh and than neither could happen so if that happens than this. My head is going to start spinning and I shall spew pea soup.
I feel like a giant "if / than" statement. *sigh* (you computer geeks or excel dorks know what I mean)
On a brighter note...
I'm getting hints about a winter storm tomorrow... WOOT! Can you say... SNOW DAY!?
Oh I do believe in fairies... *clap clap clap* I do believe in fairies... wait. That's Peter Pan... What do you do when you want it to snow? Will a rain dance work? Oh come on people... it's cold enough out where the rain dance should make it snow. No? Hm.
Wait... dont' go... I'm just high on life! I swear!
Movie clips...
Have you ever seen the movie "Willow" ... if not, you should... classic with Val Kilmer. His reaction to the creature is hilarious. I want that creature for a pet... "and I shall call him George"... (oooh he breathes fire... S'mores!)
*singing* "I'm Henry the eighth I am Henry the eighth I am, I am I got married to the widow next door She's been married seven times before And every one was an Henry (Henry) She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam) I'm her eighth old man, I'm Henry Henry the eighth I am
Second verse same as the first
I'm Henry the eighth I am..." - Herman's Hermits (Henry VIII)
I haven't hit everyone with this one in quite some time. It was definitely overdo. Again, as always, you're welcome. *Cheshire cat GRIN*
Actually... this is a great song to sing over and over again in your head when you're nervous.
Speaking of reasons to be nervous... If I hear "you'll know next week" one more time I'm gonna lose it. Baaaahhhhhh!!! Hmmm.... starting to sound like a sheep on crack. Baaad news...
Me now.
Me by the end of next week...
Movie Quotes... (I watched this movie like 10 times in the last week so... surprise, surprise... )
When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye and asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail." - Jack Burton in "Big Trouble in Little China" (Kurt Russell)
*singing* Into the great wide open, Under them skies of blue Out in the great wide open, A rebel without a clue - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (Into the Great Wide Open)
Oh... what... you guys didn't have off yesterday for President's day? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I point at you and laugh with uncontained GLEE!
I'm horrible. Tee hee... I love it.
So, yeah... I was hoping for some news. Good or bad... just gimme. But sometimes more news... is no news at all. Ever have that happen? It's not good news when there is a "but"... it's just ... OUT THERE.
Unfortunately... more waiting for me. SIGH. Grumble. For at least another week or so.
I feel like an episode that has just been "To be continued..." ARG.
So I'll say it ... seeing as to how it is so fitting at this time... TO BE CONTINUED.
Stay tuned folks... And soon... very soon... I will not have to be so cryptic... At least... so I hope. duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuuh....
Funny stuff...
Employers were asked to list the "most unusual" questions that have been asked by job candidates:
"What is it that you people do at this company?"
"What is the company motto?"
"Why aren't you in a more interesting business?"
"What are the zodiac signs of all the board members?"
"Why do you want references?"
"Do I have to dress for the next interview?"
"I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?"
"Will the company move my rock collection from California to Maryland?"
"Will the company pay to relocate my horse?"
"Does your health insurance cover pets?"
"Would it be a problem if I'm angry most of the time?"
"Does your company have a policy regarding concealed weapons?"
*singing* L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take my heart and please dont break it Love was made for me and you - Nat King Cole (L-O-V-E)
*looking ever so humble...* Sorry folks. With the anticipation of good or bad news... I took a lil' vacation from the DC yesterday.
*grumble...expletive*... here we go again... *singing* "vacation all I ever wanted... vacation, had to get away..." This one'll be just as bad as "try to get me go to rehab and I said noo no no..." Wait. OH MAN. *&^$
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! (mmmm... chocolate... yum yum...)
As I sit here, I am waiting ever so patiently for the phone to ring... And every time it does? I swear my heart bounces up to my throat. And there are claw marks in the ceiling.
Not the call I was looking for... yet. BLAST! demmit.
Soon. Ever so soon. I can see the answer I seek on the horizon. *sniff.. sniff* I can SMELL it. I can hear good... wait no, bad... wait, good... news...
I feel like I should be sittin' in a field full o' daisies pluckin' petals. "they like me... they like me not... they like me... they like me not..."
Funny stuff...
I was driving along in my car, when my boss rang up and said: "You've been promoted." That made me swerve a bit.
Then he rang up a second time and said: "You've been promoted again." I swerved even more.
When he rang a third time and said: "You're now managing director," I went into a ditch.
A policeman came up and asked: "What happened to you?"
*singing* Mm ba ba de Um bum ba de Um bu bu bum da de
PRESSURE pushing down on me Pressing down on you no man ask for UNDER PRESSURE - that burns a building down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets Um ba ba be Um ba ba be De day da Ee day da - that's o.k.
It's the terror of knowing What the world is about Watching some good friends Screaming 'Let me out' Pray tomorrow - gets me higher Pressure on people - people on streets Day day de mm hm Da da da ba ba O.k.
Under pressure Under pressure PRESSURE - Queen feat. David Bowie (Under Pressure)
Today is THE DAY. The day that I do "my thing." I have to shine, stand out, be the man... I mean woman... I mean person (let's be P.C. here).
All I can say to myself is... DON'T CRACK! *insert look of absolute horror here*
I just have to be myself. That's key. Don't try to be what I think they want - be who I am.
Ok... maybe I should tone it down a little... I don't want to frighten anyone with my crazy. *grimace*
Funny stuff...
Did you hear about the two men who were stopped by the police for being drunk and disorderly? It turned out that the first had been drinking battery acid and the second had been swallowing fireworks. One was charged and the other was let off.
A ragged piece of string went into a pub and asked for a drink. "Are you over 18?" asked the barman. "No," replied the string, "I'm a frayed knot."
I'm funny. Actually, I think I'm HILARIOUS. You laugh? It's a bonus.
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
- Mark Twain