Don't you wanna go for a ride -
Just keep your hands inside,
And make the most out of life.
Now don't you take it for granted
Life is like a mean machine,
It made a mess outta me,
It left me caught between -
Like an angry dream, I was stranded.
I was stranded.
And I'm steady, but I'm starting to shake (starting to shake),
And I don't know how much more I can take -
Well this is it, now,
Everybody get down
This is all -
I can take.
This is how a heart breaks.
You take a hit now -
you feel it,
break down.
Make you stay -
wide awake.
This is how a heart breaks.
- Rob Thomas (This is How a Heart Breaks)
Do you know how frustrating it is to want to talk about something, but you can't? UGH.
All I can say is... there is a battle raging folks... and I'm determined to win the war. That's all I can say.
On another subject, as for my weekend... I am heartbroken. I lost a lot of my dearest friends... My books.
I LOVE books. I love being surrounded by them. I go to Borders and I am like a kid in a candy shop... (or rather... like myself in a candy shop... hm). I can't walk out of there without spending a ridiculous amount of money so I try to limit my visits. I can read them over and over... I just love having them be mine. I guess you can call me a book collector.
My beautiful books were flooded and left to rot for a month. I had no reason to think they would have gotten wet. *sigh* And of course, all the ones ruined were my favorites... and hardcover. Old Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, Karen Marie Moning (I had her entire collection... until now)... among others. Thank GOODNESS my Harry Potter books were in a different place.
So I am devastated at the loss... but I'll just work on building up my collection again. There's always a bright side.
On another brighter note... (see?)...
I finally finished the Harley Scarf I was knitting for this Harley rider I know... ;)
I knitted it lengthwise on circular needles... for the first time ever and no mistakes! However... it is the longest scarf known to man. It was supposed to be about 5.5-6ft long and turned out to be... over 8ft long... Ooops. Careful not to get the ends caught up in the back tire! That could go wrong REAL fast...
*la la la... riding along, riding along... la la la... gaaackk!.... *&^%...rrrrrRRR!... thump... thump thump...CRASH...*

Funny stuff from the past few days...
Get Fuzzy...

Over the Hedge...


Books can be replaced - you can't be! Let's see, there is Easter, Birthday, books will be coming your way - in no time at all everyone of them will be replaced!
Chin up kid!
Ohhhh I feel your pain Jen! Were they in your basement or in storage? I would be just as upset as you..I love my books too!
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