There were 10 in a bed and the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
Good luck getting this one out of your head. I've been humming it all week now. It creeps up on you... you won't know you're doing it until it's too late. Then... DOH!
I am thoroughly enjoying my vegging. It's fantastic... Movies, knitting, eating, reading, napping... These are a few of my favorite things. *GRIN*
However... did you ever find yourself enjoying a nice hot shower... only to run out of hot water? (who hasn't, right?) Talk about WAKE UP! That's another thing that creeps up on you. The water gradually gets colder... and you think you're just getting used to the hot water. Oh no... all of a sudden? Freezing cold water. And me screeching "Yaaa hoooo oooo ooo....!" like a cartoon character. Complete with a string of expletives that look like this... *&^% ... $#@! ... *@%$

I attempted to cook this week. You'd think with how much I love food I would do it more often. Does it count if it's out of a box? How about a can? Frozen? No? Hm.
Anyhoo... I made meatballs (yes, from scratch) that holy mackarel tasted delicious. Ever have a craving that you just have to satisfy? And how much of a let down it is if what you eat just doesn't... "do it?" Well... these "did it." Threw them in with some garlic bread and spaghetti (mixed with ricotta). DELICIOUS.

Don't worry. I stretched before patting myself on the back... so I didn't pull a muscle.

Now I'm trying to get inspired to bake. Peanut Butter Cookies. (yea-ya... WHAT?!) But my overwhelming sense of laziness is coming back.
I mean... I AM on "vacation." If you call this grace period a vacation (I most certainly do... and much needed time for sloth).

I start my new job on Monday. Oops... did I forget to mention that before? Yup. I have a new job. Super exciting! And scary. I mean... after 9 years at one place... going out into the unknown is a scary thing. But... 10 minutes from home, business casual (with jeans thrown in whenever), 10 minutes from home, a cafeteria, 10 minute drive... (seriously... it took me longer to park than it did to get there... and like two back roads with NO highway driving...). And a fabulous Italian bakery/deli right around the corner? *sigh* Note that two of these things are food related.
Off into the unknown folks. I'll sprinkle breadcrumbs so I can find my way back. And I shall, of course, want to share my adventures right here in The Daily Crazy.
Funny stuff...
(since I'm so behind on these... I figured dropping in the links would be a bit easier... well, and I'm lazy)
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