So long farewell, auf weidersehen good-bye
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long farewell, auf weidersehen adieu
Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you
So long farewell, au revior auf weidersehen
I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne
So long farewell, auf weidersehen goodnight
I leave and heave a sigh and say good bye - goodbyyyyyyeeeee!
I'm glad... to go.... I cannot tell a lie
I fleet, I float, I fleetly flee I fly...
The sun... has gone... to bed and so must I...
So long...farewell...auf weidersehen goodbye...
Ah yes. Time to say goodbye.
I am no longer an employee at my company. It's over, FINALLY. Off to greener pastures.
Oh! And I can finally say it...
I WIN. After many battles... I have finally won the war. The satisfaction was totally worth the stress, sleepless nights, and twitchy days.
I am now on a one week vacation where I shall... turn into a vegetable. WOOT!
And... will celebrate...
Everyone... time for a pint and... an Irish Car Bomb. (Car Bomb's... YEAH!) Oooh that'll tickle your belly for sure.
Because I am so happy, I should be doing a jig. While swinging my shillelagh and whistling a cheery little tune...
I promised that once the time was right, I would sing this song... here goes...
hem hem.
*singing* "Ding dong, the witch is dead... which old witch? ... the wicked witch.. ding dong the wicked witch is deaaaaad."
What goes around, comes around. Petty (orange) spite = a tongue stuck out, a point, and a laugh from me. Along with my loud hoot of victory. (ok, so perhaps I am stooping a little here. But come on... after the mass amounts of BS a little "blowing off some steam" should be allowed... )

Now... what to do with all this free time? You poor dears... you're probably going to be bombarded with a whole lot of crazy coming from this general direction. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Funny stuff...
Get Fuzzy...

Over the Hedge...


Woo Hoo!! I knew the witch, wish I was there to see her bad.....he he!
Um ... if ya don't work there anymore, how's it "your company!?" }:-)
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