Follow your heart
Your intuition
It will lead you in the right direction
Let go of your mind
Your Intuition
Is easy to find
Just follow your heart baby
- Jewel (Intuition)
So that's what you gotta do. Follow you heart, your intuition, and you're going the right way. (I've already let go of my mind... *GRIN*)
This week my sanity is being tested. I feel like the strings holding it together are busting... Hear em'? *neeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr BINK!... bink bink bink!* And the last one is being tweaked... oy.
Did you ever have something you want so bad... and it's sooooo close... you can almost smell it? taste it? feel it? That's my life story right now. Soon to be mine... but just outta my grasp. *grumble... expletive*
My poor dog (Cody Bear) senses it too. He's always following me around (my shadow) but now he's practically "become one" with me. I move, he moves. I stand in front of the sink, he squeezes between me and the sink. He's brought a whole new meaning to "under foot." I have to be so careful on the stairs now. I've almost taken a few bad tumbles. *grimace* And I've stepped on him so many times I'm surprised he hasn't cut it out.
Now that's loyalty... he doesn't care what it takes to give comfort. He'd rather be stepped all over than have his momma alone and in pain. Now everyone say it.... Aaawwwwww.

Funny stuff...

1 comment:
AWWWWWWWWW cody bear
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