Look out your window
That grass ain't green
It's kinda yellow
See what I mean?
Look up your chimney
The sky ain't blue
It's kinda yellow
You know it's true
(It's so hard to figure what it's all about)
When your outsides in (inside out)
And your downsides up (upside down)
Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)
Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout
When you're inside out
Look down your drain pipe
What color do you see?
It's got to be yellow
Don't try to fool me
(And don't it make you wanna twist and shout)
When your outsides in (inside out)
And your downsides up (upside down)
Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)
Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout
When you're inside out
Be careful where you're walking
You might step in something rough
Be careful where you're talking
And saying all that stuff
Take care when you are breathing
Something's funny in the air
And some things I'm not saying
'bout what's happening out there
It's inside out
Look into the future
With your mystic crystal ball
See if it ain't yellow
See if it's there at all
(Ain't no shadow or a doubt)
(Don't it make you wanna twist and shout)
When your outsides in (inside out)
And your downsides up (upside down)
Yeah, your upsides right (rightside up)
Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout
When you're inside out
(Inside out)
(Right side up)
Yeah, don't it make you wanna twist and shout
When you're inside out
- Traveling Wilburys (Inside Out)
I first have to yet again apologize for bailing on everyone. Lots going on so you may see breaks here and there in the DC. But no worries. I shall be back to bore you with my silly more often than not. *GRIN*
Back to business...
I see I'm on a Wilburys kick now... though I couldn't pass it up. This is the PERFECT song for today. Don't be yellow... take a RISK. Does it make me feel like I want to explode with sheer nervous terror? Of course.
However, what risk do I take? What PATH when there are three? One is pretty demn lousy so we'll cast that aside. (that's the one in all the movies that always looks horribly scary, smells, and has mass amounts of fog and old scary trees).
Demmit three choices. Rut ro... Warning!
*singing* "Three little maids from school ARE we...."
Oh that was so mean of me.... *giggling with evil glee*
So now two... I go this way... and x... I go this way ... and y. And there are so many things (good and bad) that COULD happen either way. AAaahhhhh!!! There is a nickname for me and it is called (George) Buggin.
SHAKE IT OFF. Blah bllleeegghhh. Buururrrrrrr.... Whoosh. Mo bettah.
Ok so...
I have this theory. I recently "set up shop" in the other side of my basement. Little card table, my puter, knitting, tv, treadmill in case I feel like walking in place (*snicker*), and my dogs. Nice, isn't it?
Hm. Now we all know, from my many bug out (hahahahahah!) stories that I hate spiders. And that there are many... large, hairy, creepy beasties in my basement. So why on EARTH would I want to hang out down there?
Well... my theory. They won't come into the finished part of the basement. Nope. Why? Cuz it's finished. Carpet, walls, paint, etc. The big hairy buggers don't like that. Why? Dunno, but they don't.
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Funny stuff...

More funny stuff from this week...
Get Fuzzy...

Over the Hedge...


I believe I have already informed you that spiders will travel in the finished part of a home - whether you like it or not - have you looked under your chair lately - the really like to build nests under chairs and even the table - Rut ro!
You have two choices here, take it from me....your ole auntie who had to deal with baby tarantulas coming out of the heat vents. And BTW, spider-phobia is GENETIC. You are doomed. OK..your choices are:
#1 - Get a bug bomb and set it off in your basement. (But get out first and stay out til the air has cleared)
#2 - Get a kittycat. There are never any bugs or spiders around because kittycats eat them up.
Since you have Dooley and Cody, I know that #2 is not an option.
Are you sure they would hate a kittycat??? Because I have one, or two, or three, you could have.
:o) xoxo
all i can say is i can go to bed with a million-legger (my personal phobia) on the living room wall, and when i wake up in the morning, its legless body is in the middle of the living room floor (gross, but better than the alternative!).
props for kitties!
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