Four Shells - "Hot Dog"
Three words.
As I sat drooling... watching the clock tick... tick... tick... I ever so patiently waited for my lunch hour to come. Knowing that soon I would be tasting the most delicious hot dogs EVER.
For those of you who have lived in New Jersey, a majority of you should know what I'm talking about. If not, check out the site. And go there. As soon as possible. Trust me, you won't regret the heart burn.
I have yet to find a hot dog that beats them. Though hot dogs on the grill are a close second. You cook it till it's nice and crispy and YUM.
Now, this is very important. What do you put on your hot dog? Seriously! This tells a lot about a person. Like people who put ketchup on their eggs (are just weird)... I mean...
Me? Both ketchup and mustard. I can eat it with either or... but it's SO much better with both. And not just a dab of each either. Slather that madness on that bad boy. And you EAT IT ALL UP.
Even better? You won't be shocked... Take a scoop of macaroni & cheese (yes, the good fake kind with powdered cheese and EXTRA butter, less milk... we've been here before) and throw it on top. French fries'll do... but mac & cheese?

Drink beer, belch (LOUDLY), and your day will be complete.
Funny cartoon clip...
Funny stuff...
How much time do they give you for lunch? I enjoy hot dogs with ketchup, however Hot Dog Johnny's hot dogs are meant to be eaten with mustard, onion, and pickle. Now ketchup on the Mac and Cheese, thats another story yum.
I love Hot Dog Johnny's but seriously - isn't that a bit far for lunch break??
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