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Madonna - "4 minutes"
You know what stinks? Every watch I own is dead. Not one of them is working now. But yet… I still wear them. Why is that? And why is it I don’t go and get the batteries replaced?
Is it because I just don’t have the time?
Hahahahah!! Get it? Don’t have the time? I’m cracking myself up here...
I learned a valuable lesson last night. It is spring… but not quite. So we’ll call this season “Not-Quite Spring.”
It has been ridiculous pretty outside. I got home, threw aside the sliding glass doors, and flung myself outside with the dogs. My arms outstretched… face up to the sky…
Uh oh…
*singing* The HILLS are ALIVE… with the sound of MUSIC….
So I had the fan going, windows open, a lighter blanket, thin pajamas and… woke up at 2am freezing my behind off. Well DUH. It dropped back down into the 40’s at night. I’m a GENIUS.
So the other night…
I walk the dogs either right after work when it’s purty and sunny… or at night when it’s nice and quiet and the stars are out. I opted for the latter on this particular evening.
Picture this…
We’re walking along… walking along…
Tails swishing, big doggie grins on our faces. It’s a cool evening… the stars are twinkling. All is right with the world.
La la la… happy place… Until…
*sniff*… *sniff*
*sniff*… *sniff*
And most of you know how much I loathe and despise skunks. After one got Dooley full in the face? Yeah. They can go play in traffic.

Back to the story…
We were still a good distance from the house… nowhere to turn… and it’s DARK. Plenty of places for creepy critters, such as this foul beastie, to hide.
I try to pick up the pace… and that’s when the boys decide they want to do some extra sniffing and drag along. GROAN.
That’s when it happens… Cody stops suddenly (and I almost go tumbling over him…) shoves his nose into a bunch of low bushes… and….
SURPRISE! yyyiiiiiiipppppeeeeeee!!!
A “thing” comes out of nowhere, bounces up, and scurries off in the other direction.
“It” being what I thought was the skunk of course. And being so on edge… expecting it to come out of nowhere and spray us… I nearly needed to change my shorts from the fright.
“It” turned out to be a cute, fuzzy, chubby lil’ bunny rabbit.
Lil’ bunny almost got a beat down. Cute or no.Funny stuff...
The Tractors - "The Wheels on the Bus"
So one of my major rules has been... don't type angry. Well, that ship has sailed my friends. I am FUMING.
I would really like to talk about the thorn that has firmly lodged itself in my left cheek, however... I don't want to break another of my major rules... don't use names. As you've probably noticed, I tend to dance around the intended recipient. In a charming blend of subtleness and sarcasm...
Let's just say that 6 months have passed and my house is still on the market. Granted, the market is pretty bad... HOWEVER. There are certain IMPORTANT circumstances that, not handled properly or the way they should be done, could seriously hinder the process as well.
"Certain important circumstances" should go out to dinner with my contractor (who, by the way, never came back and walked away from the job... then just recently left a humble message wanting to "come pick up the tools he left behind"... riiiiiight... and, um... it's like 4 months later...). They'd get along famously seeing as to how both apparantly don't know what side is up or down. It's like a Dr. Suess book on smack.

Not to mention... the mess caused by "certain circumstances" is all MY fault. Never the circumstances themselves. Hm. Interesting.
So not only do I have a barbed thorn stuck in my ass, I have a finger firmly pointed in MY direction.
That's gonna leave a mark.
My advice? Referrals are a beautiful thing. Don't go to the unknown and let a false front fool you as I let happen to me. They may seem great to start... but in the end can turn out to be a hot mess. Hm. Boy have I learned THAT lesson more than once...
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... shame on me.
Funny stuff...
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
*BANG! Sluuurrp… Cluck…. BANG! POP!*
SNAP goes my sanity.
Don’t sleep in late on the weekends. Because when you have to get up early on Monday? It makes it that much harder to get moving. And Every. Single. Sound… is amplified times 1,000. No cup of coffee can cure this either. Not even the large cup of Sumatra Bold I scored this morning.
So this makes me grouchy. Extremely grouchy. Grumpy. Irritable. Fire-breathing dragon-like.
*BANG! Sluuurrp… Cluck…. BANG! POP!*
Every time I hear this… my cartoon cloud pops up … &^% !
Chitty chitty BANG bang we love you…
&^#% !
*giggling* … I am so mean… Not only to you, but to myself. I’m gonna be whistling “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” ALL DAY. At least it’s a happy little ditty. Next I’ll hit you with Armour Hot Dogs… *snicker* Seeing as to how I’m in such a bad mood… evil-sprite-ness has inspired me to… SING.
“They’re hot dogs. ARMOUR hot dogs! The dogs… kids … love… to … biiiiiite!”
Oh I did. *GRIN*
I feel better now.
So I had a pretty relaxing weekend. I rented movies and knitted… and hit up SaladWorks … both days. NO CHICKEN POT PIE SOUP? Madness. Though their Italian Wedding Soup… pretty darn delicious.
Anyhoo… Here is my movie review:
Alien vs. Predator – Excellent. I now want to see AVP 2 though I hear it was nowhere near as good.
August Rush – SUPER Excellent, must see!! I cried like a baby for a solid 10 minutes. It was THAT GOOD.
Enchanted – CUTE! I loved this movie. Very cute, good giggles and silliness.
I Am Legend – I’m on the fence. I am pretty upset with a few parts of the movie. I won’t blow the movie for those who haven’t seen it. But I love Will Smith so I’ll give it a good review.
28 Weeks Later – Very “Dawn of the Dead”-like. Not horrible, not great. Was ok.
The Mist – Very good! This is one of my favorites from Stephen King. (Along with The Stand.) They changed it up a bit, but well done. After I watched it I picked up a new Stephen King that I’ve had sitting on my bookshelf and hadn’t gotten around to reading yet. “Lisey’s Story.” I can’t tell you what I think of it yet, but it started off interesting.
Book reviews… to be cont’d…
Funny stuff...
- Da Crazy Frog - "Punchy Punchy and "1001 Nights"
- David Cook - "Billy Jean"
Holy MACKAREL. I've had a ridiculous amount of caffeine today. And it's not even 10am yet.
Me today. (Note: "The Annoying Thing" *snicker*)

I discovered that my cafeteria is AWESOME. The sammiches? FANTASTIC. Fresh turkey, lettuce, tomato and cheese on wheat with just the right amount of mayo. HOLLA!!
And... here's the kicker. They sell Starbucks coffee!!! Sumatra Bold for me this morning. Oh...SNAP.
So here I sit. Twitching and giggling at myself. Singing along with da Crazy Frog.
It's also Friday so I'm a little punchy. Get it? The song is called Punchy Punchy? hahahahahah!
Oh boy... I have GOT to switch to decaf. Seriously.
Anyhoo... What the *&^% is going on with American Idol??? Michael Johns was eliminated?! And Carly Smithson was in the bottom three again?! That's as bad as Brooke White being in the bottom three. This is MADNESS I tell you!
I want it to come down to Carly Smithson and David Cook. With Brooke at least as one of the top 3. I love everyone that's left, but methinks they are my favorites. David Cook made Billy Jean sound COOL. Um, hello. If you can make a Michael Jackson classic sound good? Props.
Funny stuff...
Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made
It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday
- The Bangles (Manic Monday)
Is the coast clear? Or are the angry readers ready to pounce with pitchforks and torches?
*peeking from around the corner... blink... blink... mischievous sprite creeps up behind me and ... BOO!.... yyyiiiiiiiiIIIIIPPPE!!!.... *&^% !!! ....grumble...*

An entire week has gone by again without a DC! What has HAPPENED to me!? I've become... responsible? I think my work ethic has been restored. *slapping palm to forehead...* AAAnnnd... I'm HEALED!
Perhaps I've had writers block. *cringe* Did I just say writers block? jinx jinx!! Cross your fingers QUICK!
Phew. Scary moment passed...
I was recently introduced to Hello COOL-NESS. So now, instead of finding the song on YouTube (which most of us are blocked from at work... including myself... waaaaahhh!) I can post the song from Playlist. Thank you Auntie D! *GRIN*
Neverfear YouTube. You are still loved.
I love my dawgs. I think I've mentioned this already... a time or two. They are sweet and loving and... giant brats. Well... I take that back. Cody is the "Good Son." Dooley? The "Black Sheep."
The beastie came close to breaking my wrist this weekend. At least it FELT like he did. I brought them to the groomer on Saturday morning and sang their praises. They did good getting in the car, waiting for me to get them out of the car, and didn't pull me into the building. SWEET. When I went to pick them up is another story...
Dooley was handed over to me and immediately made a beeline for the door. He was all like "I want to leave. NOW." Understood. Getting a once over from the groomer probably isn't all that pleasant. Especially since he LIKES being dirty. I have to watch him when I get home to be sure he doesn't go right to the back yard to roll in the dirt.
I had my grip on Cody, who will pull a little but not too bad. Dooley? As soon as the groomer opened the door for me ... jetted. His tail swishing as a "See ya suckers." And apparantly I wasn't ready. You know how in movies someone ties a rope to their ankle and just jumps? Without the other end being tied to something? Yeah... it was sort of like that... He WAS connected to me on the other end... I just wasn't prepared. He took off and my hand down past my wrist scraped along the side of the door... got stuck... then bent back. Got a lovely scrap and light bruise from that one. (not too bad considering how much it hurt)
So of course, I didn't let on to the groomer that I was hurt. Playing tough girl I spose. I just smiled and got the dogs in the car. I sat behind the wheel and started to see stars and spots from holding in the ooooOOOOOOWWWWWW!!! that wanted to come out the second it happened. Oy.

Funny movie clip...
More funny stuff...