Labels or Love by Fergie
So let me start off by stating ... I cannot see anything without my glasses or contacts. I may have mentioned this before, but it is a very important piece of information for this story.
Nothing. Everything is a blur. Everything is fuzzy and colors and blur together - also important to know.
I've been wearing my glasses this week due to a very irritated left eye. (methinks I wore my contacts too long and scratched my peeper... my bad.)
Anyhoo... this morning...
I go through my daily routine. I hop in the shower... now... I don't wear glasses in the shower (who does?) ... so I can't see much. But I can see enough to get the job done.
I'm washing up, scrubbying along, when I feel... IT.
Right smack in the middle of my lower back... something is stuck... and it's stickin out... hard, flat ... I turn around to try to see (hahahaha... cuz not only am I not wearing glasses, it's in a spot that is hard to see to begin with) and all I see is black blur...
Now, we all know that I'm deathly afraid of spiders. Well, ticks are above spiders on that list of things I fear. The little freaks just creep. me. out.
I try not to panic. Keep my breathing even. And rinse the conditioner out of my hair.
Breathe in... breathe out.... breathe in...
I try to dry off a little, completely avoiding touching anywhere near the evil little bugger.
I reach for my glasses... Hands shaking...
Breatheinbreatheoutbreathein... I am just about hyperventilating.
Glasses on... quick!... look around and...
It's a sticker.
Yup folks. A sticker. You know, one of those little inspection stickers from your clothes? Clear with black writing. Half of it was stuck to me and it was bent... (hence the flat hard thing I felt sticking out).
I... have no more words.